Please use this form to report any content that does not conform to the FINAL FANTASY XIV Material Usage License. FFXIV samurai's rotation is pretty simple at level 50 since you don't have access to your Kenki gauge yet. Now that I have decided to not continue with DoH / DoL leveling, I no longer need the additional retainers, which cost $2/ mo each for an additional retainer or $12 for each 3 month subscription period for two retainers.Minimal UI is a mod for FFXIV that reworks a large portion of the user interface with the goal of simplicity and ease of use in a raid scenario.You normally use them to hold a certain amount of items and gil, and they can be used to sell items on the market for you. Last Recode, replacing the Aka Oni Scimitar for PLD. All the targeting commands you will need to prove yourself in battle and around Town. They are kept for the (Linen) Survival Shirt. For example, I will be installing a mod that edits the Third Face Paint in game.
1) Select System, then Support Desk > FAQ > GM Service Main Menu. Once you have that set up, pick and download a mod you like. If you're Retainer is stationed in UD and you ask him/her to sell an item, it'll show as being sold in UD. You can Save the Male Viera Mod Ffxiv here.