3 (Interval 04 Suburbs) should be attainable and completable. From there, the client can reconnect to the host and completion of this section of F.E.A.R. is to have the host change the difficulty level to Recruit. The easiest way to fix this disconnect problem in F.3.A.R. when playing co-op at the Commando difficulty level. Unfortunately, an error in the game causes the client to continually and repeatedly lose connection to the host in this section of F.3.A.R. This is the section where if the users climb up to the second level balcony of the open-faced house, they will find a sniper rifle. This video will show you how to fix the bug that occurs when playing F3AR co-op at the Commando difficulty level in Interval 04 Suburbs on PC, whereby after the cutscene, the players find themselves facing a park playground merry-go-round. Any information or program you choose to put into use from this video is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. WARNING - I will NOT be held responsible for any damages the methods shown in this video may cause to yourself or someone else, including loss of data and/or loss of security and privacy regarding said data, including (but not limited to) your personally identifiable information and identity and/or loss of profits resulting from the use of such methods shown in this video.